Time to Clean House!

Kudos to State Rep. Jamie Becker-Finn for taking matters into her own hands. After bill HF3030 (to set up a sexual harassment task force) failed to get a hearing last week, she announced she will convene a work group to address issues of sexual assault and harassment at the State Capitol. As Becker-Finn says - it's time to clean house!

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Professor Wanyama of Augsberg College Targeted by ICE - Don't Let It Stand!

Mn Professor to be deported by ICE. Show up!

Prof. Wanyama of Ausgberg College, Minneapolis, is one of a growing number of immigrants who are being targeted for deportation by ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) and have no criminal record. Wanyama has been in the US for 25+ years. He has a family, a home, a career and a community here in Minnesota. 

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Support Victims of Sexually Violent Crimes

Victims of sexually violent crimes should be able to come forward when they are ready.

Representative Ilhan Omar and Senator Sandy Pappas have introduced a bill (HF3434/SF3206) to remove time limits for charging sexually violent crimes. If this passes, victims of these crimes, including sex trafficking, could report a crime against them when they feel ready.

This bill needs your support. Here's how you can help:

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Contact Your Representatives During Recess

Congress is on recess, U.S. Reps and Senators are home. It's a good time to get in touch with your Congresspeople on issues that concern you….gun control, DACA, tax bill…. Find out if they have a Town Hall planned, arrange to visit them at their office, call them or email them. 

MN Legislature still has a week to go and they're busy. For a list of bills that need some noise made about them, see Watch Your Reps MN's weekly update. (Warning: it's long.) Find bills on the issues you care about, call the appropriate legislators, write an email, tweet a message, attend a hearing. 

This is a short session and things are moving fast. They are already starting to put together omnibus bills. If you feel strongly about a bill, get on it now.

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Anti-Abortion Legislation: Act Now!

Take Action on Anti-abortion bills

Here are 2 bills that are working their way through the legislative process. Although Governor Dayton will most likely veto them, they may well be used as a bargaining chip in later omnibus bills, and so it is better to make your position on these bills clear now. Contact your state representatives as well as the Governor and let them know why you oppose these bills. Try also to get your representative to go on record with their position on these bills and why.  

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Act Now; Gun Laws In Minnesota

There’s still time to fight for gun control bills in Minnesota

Despite HUGE public support for sensible gun laws, there have been NO hearings in the MN Legislature of gun control legislation, apart from 15 minute hearings of 2 bills, forced on the Public Safety Committee by Rep. Dave Pinto. (The bills were then immediately tabled). However, the session is not over and there is slowly growing bi-partisan support for this issue. This is a subject where people in the suburbs should, in particular, take action.

Your legislators are listening and they know the tide is turning.

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