Contact Your Representatives During Recess
Watch Your Reps
Congress is on recess, U.S. Reps and Senators are home. It's a good time to get in touch with your Congresspeople on issues that concern you….gun control, DACA, tax bill…. Find out if they have a Town Hall planned, arrange to visit them at their office, call them or email them.
MN Legislature still has a week to go and they're busy. For a list of bills that need some noise made about them, see Watch Your Reps MN's weekly update. (Warning: it's long.) Find bills on the issues you care about, call the appropriate legislators, write an email, tweet a message, attend a hearing.
This is a short session and things are moving fast. They are already starting to put together omnibus bills. If you feel strongly about a bill, get on it now.
- Don't know who represents you? See here
- Watch Your Reps MN Weekly update
- Watch Your Reps