Call to Action: "No" to attack on local control
"No" to attack on local control, repeal of Minneapolis minimum wage increase and Twin Cities' paid sick leave.
Anti-worker pre-emption bill (SF580/HF600) passed in the Senate last week despite huge public opposition. (It was close: 35 - 31). This bill strips local governments of the power to set standards for wages and working conditions that are higher than the state’s. It silences the voices of community organizers within their own local governments, and disproportionately effects workers of color.
Examples of what this will mean in real terms - it will repeal the minimum wage increase recently secured in Minneapolis, and take away paid sick leave from 150,000 people in the Twin Cities. It will also block the DNR from ever totally banning lead shot, and cities from ever banning plastic bags.
For more about the bill see this Minnpost article
Governor Dayton is suggesting he might not veto this bill, that he might use it as a bargaining tool. See this from last Friday's meeting with the press:
Please contact the Governor and Lt Governor Tina Smith and tell them why is this approach to such an important bill is not acceptable.