100 Days

Dear Minnesota Women’s March Friends,

Today, Saturday, April 29th, the nation marks 100 days of President Donald J. Trump in office.  We also mark, on Sunday, April 30th, 100 days since we marched together in St. Paul -- all 100,000 of us! We'd like to recognize both occasions with a reflection on what we've done and invite you to stay with us as we go forward, beyond these first 100 days. 

Together we’ve marched, we've written postcards and we've attended town hall forums.  We worked and will continue to work toward the passage of ERA legislation, and to protect the reproductive rights of all women. We've brainstormed and visioned, attended solidarity marches, met with other resistance organizers, and strategized on the political processes. Perhaps most importantly, we continue to listen and seek to understand how we can have more effective engagement at the local, state and national levels. We, as Minnesotans, have informed ourselves on deeper levels about the lives of communities most profoundly affected by the current administration's policies. 

We've watched as sexism, xenophobia, bigotry, homophobia, and hatred have found their places in mainstream politics, emboldened by the positions and actions of the new administration; while schools and communities have faced new waves of hate crimes. We've witnessed attempts to unravel the very fabric of our democracy.  

We, as an organization, listened -- and continue to listen -- to the concerns and passions of Minnesotans throughout Greater Minnesota and the Twin Cities. You've told us what matters to you and what you're concerned about.  You are care deeply about the rights of women, our LGBTQIA+ community, immigrants, people of color that are too often under attack, refugees and undocumented individuals living in this country, the children, those with disabilities. You want affordable health care, and the right to safe, comprehensive, and accessible reproductive care.  The environment matters to you and you want a government that helps protect it.  

You’ve picked up a pen and wrote postcards. Many of you attended your first rally. You are not backing away from difficult conversations. Some of you are even running for office for the very first time. And there’s more...so much more.

You continue to host huddles, and put in motion the 10 Actions in 100 Days from Women’s March National. You are big-hearted, open, inclusive Minnesotans and you've touched our hearts and inspired us to keep going.  We truly can’t thank you enough for your involvement in this movement and we hope you’ll stay with us as we all go forward, together.  

We have a big vision. We want to continue to engage people in greater activism, support and amplify the crucial social justice work being done across Minnesota, and follow the lead of those who have gone before us. Continually seeking guidance and understanding we are stronger together. 

We also have our eyes fixed on 2018. We are organizing to make political change happen at the local, state and national level. Please join us in making this happen. We are a committed group of volunteers and we welcome new energy with enthusiasm. Please consider joining us as we persist, resist, recharge, and repair. You’ll be able to find more information on events, actions, and ways to get involved here, on our website. 

In Gratitude, Hope, & Resistance,

Your Sisters at Women’s March MN