4 Bills to Contact Your Legistators and Governor About

As Mn Leg comes into the final stretch of this session, here are some important bills to contact your legislators and the Governor about that you might have missed:

Environment:  Greenlight Line 3 (HF 3759/SF3510)this bill would allow the Line 3 Oil pipeline proposal to bypass the proper review procedure and start immediate construction. It is pretty much ready for a House and Senate vote. Take action before it is too late. (link to A - see below)

Gun Control: What! Really? No gun control bills at all? Out of 26 gun-control bills introduced in Mn Leg, only 2 have had hearings this 2018 session, and NONE have been passed. Let’s tell them what we think!

Anti-protest: Guilty By Association (HF3693/SF3463) - this ALEC bill makes trespassing on pipelines etc., a felony (fines of up to $20,000 and 10 years jail), and applies to protestors and to the organizations who educate and recruit them. Call your Legislators and the Governor and urge them to vote NO on this bill.

Immigrants Rights: Not a bill but a very important issue that you can do something about. MN Law Enforcement is helping ICE deport our neighbors, and ACLU-MN is on their case. Let Anoka Sheriff’s office and Coon Rapid PD know they should not be acting as immigration officials.