Equal Rights Amendments Must Pass! HF189/313/3257 & SF224/101/2827

What do we want? The Equal Rights Amendment. 

When do we want it? NOW!

In the US, women still face inequality due to sexual harassment, inequitable pay and unequal treatment in the courts. Let’s change that and make women equal under the law. It is time! 

Let’s join the 24 other states who have added an Equal Rights Amendment to their State Constitution (including Texas)! Let’s get the ratification going again at the federal level!

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ERA Day of Action

Re-Sisters – Join us THIS THURSDAY for ERA Day of Action at the Capitol! Let’s pack those halls to demand Equal Rights for Women Guaranteed by the Constitution. MAKE EQUAL LEGAL! 
Last year MNLeg refused to hear the Equal Rights Amendment bills. Let’s send a message so loud they cannot ignore us this session. We need your voice! 
Join us March 8th in the Capitol Rotunda – please wear RED!

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Beyond DACA - Permanent Protection For All!

The March 5th DACA deadline is all but gone, with no legislative solution for Dreamers. Or TPS holders. Or DED holders. Meanwhile ICE detention and deportations are ripping families apart. Our legislators are failing our immigrant brothers and sisters. 
Beyond DACA” is a series of actions hosted by local immigrant rights groups THIS WEEK to hold our MN legislators to account for their in/action. Let’s join them in demanding permanent protection for all!

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Taskforce for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in Minnesota

Indigenous women are 2 ½ times more likely to suffer violence than any other group in the US. In some parts of Minnesota, the murder rate of Indigenous women is over 10 times higher than anywhere else in the country. This must stop!

MN Reps Kunesh-Podein and Becker-Finn are calling for a taskforce to be set up to address the endemic crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Minnesota. Let's support this call!

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2 Gun Violence Protection Bills 'Tabled' in Committee

Today, the Minnesota Legislature GOP-led Public Safety Committee tabled 2 Gun Control bills, rather than vote on them and go on record with where they stand on Gun Reform Now. This is cowardly!

But we are watching, and in November we will vote.

These 2 bills are now essentially dead, but more gun safety bills are being introduced. We must keep the pressure up!

If your MN Rep sits on the Public Safety committee, contact them and let them know what you think of them delaying sensible gun laws. 

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Stop Line 3 - No Permits to Enbridge - #LoveWaterNotOil

"Minnesota utility regulators Thursday rejected a request by the state's Ojibwe bands to require a comprehensive tribal cultural analysis for Enbridge's proposed pipeline across northern Minnesota.

The tribes have asked the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to include a full state study of tribal historic sites as part of the state's Environmental Impact Statement for Enbridge's proposed new Line 3. The controversial pipeline would ferry Canadian oil to Enbridge's terminal in Superior, Wis.

The PUC declined to include such a survey in the environmental review.." -Source

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Rally for Sensible Gun Laws - An Update

Thank you to all who attended today’s Rally for Sensible Gun Laws. What a turn out! What a powerful message for #MNLeg about where we stand on gun violence. #GunReformNow #Enough #NeverAgain #KeepUsSafe

What’s next? Contact your MN legislators and make sure they have heard this message and are ready to fight for it at the Capitol. 

These are the gun related bills in MN Leg so far this session. Talk to your representatives about them:

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