Support Augsburg Professor Mzenga Wanyama
“I really want to be able to feel free to speak up when I think I need to. I don’t think that Kenya allows me to have that freedom.”
Professor Mzenga Wanyama. Photo Credit: Ibrahim Hirsi for MinnPost
Augsburg Professor Mzenga Wanyama has a check-in with ICE at 9:00am, Friday, August 17th. Please support Professor Wanyama and his family by calling ICE deportation officer Heidi DeOtis at 612-843-8690 or 612-499-0855. Professor Wanyama and his wife are only asking the US government time to allow them to pursue their legal options.
As stated in this MinnPost article about Professor Wanyama; ..In the last 26 years Wanyama has put down his roots in Minnesota. Aside from earning a Ph.D. and securing a job at Augsburg, he raised three sons. The two sons who came in the U.S. as children are now protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program; his wife Mary, is a registered nurse, is undocumented; and the youngest son, a U.S.-born child, is now a freshman at Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.Despite the government’s decision to remove him by July 4, Wanyama is quick to say that he doesn’t see a future in Kenya. Read More
Resources: You can also visit UndocuBlack Network's Urgent CALL-TO-ACTION;
"Professor Mzenga and his wife Mary have a check in with ICE this morning. The two of them have lived in the US for a combined 25 years, have children and community in Minnesota. ICE is threatening to deport them to Kenya. Lately, ICE has been arresting people during check-ins, and we want your support in ensuring that this does not happen. Please take a few moments this morning to make a call to their ICE deportation officer. We are asking that ICE respect the judicial process and not deport the Wanyamas. We stand with the #WanyamaFamily #DefendOurFamilies