Northside Students - March For Our Lives - March 24, 2018
KNOW MORE: March For Our Lives
Students across the US are calling for sensible gun laws and an end to gun violence. In two weeks, March For Our Lives events will take place across the country and the world. Let's make that the concerns of the communities most impacted by gun violence are represented. Let's ensure their voices are heard.
Keep us safe! Keep our children safe! We want stricter gun laws! And don’t ask teachers to carry guns in schools!
On the same day that thousands of students massed at the State Capitol to call for gun reform laws and an end to gun violence, Gov. Dayton spoke out strongly in support of improving school safety and passing stricter gun laws. Thank you, Gov. Dayton! He also admitted that, under the current MN Legislature, it was very unlikely that gun control bills will get a hearing, let alone a vote. Two weeks ago, two gun control bills got a very rare hearing, and drew huge crowds to listen, but the bills were quickly tabled by the Republican dominated committee. Governor Dayton Proposes Safe and Secure Schools Act to Protect Kids, Reduce Gun Violence, and Save Lives;
"Governor Mark Dayton today announced his proposed Safe and Secure Schools Act, which would provide $15.9 million in needed revenue to enhance safety for students, teachers, parents, and staff at schools throughout Minnesota. Governor Dayton’s proposal would dedicate this revenue for school safety improvements and to provide needed support to students who may be a danger to themselves or others. The proposal also includes an additional $5 million for school-based grants that would provide mental health services to student who need added support. According to media reports, at least 21 threats have been made against Minnesota schools since the Parkland, Florida shooting three weeks ago. In addition to his Safe and Secure Schools Act, Governor Dayton urged the Minnesota Legislature to work together to pass legislation this session that would help reduce gun violence and make it harder for criminals to access guns in Minnesota." - Source
"Black youth are victims of violent crime at significantly higher rates than their white peers. They are five times more likely to be victims of gun homicide, now the leading cause of death among African American youth". Rev. Nancy Nord Bence, Protect Mn.
Support and empower the youth in your life and in your community as they get involved in the upcoming student-led events calling for gun control laws and an end to gun violence.
- Help send 20 student leaders and 5 chaperones to the National March For Our Lives in Washington DC. Visit Protect Minnesota, Northside Achievement Zone and #MNeverAgain
- Donate
- Follow organizations working for sensible gun laws on Facebook and twitter;
Legislators to Contact: Let the members and particularly the Chair and vice Chair of the Public Safety Committees in the House and the Senate know that we want gun control bills to be heard and voted on. Call, email, write, as many times as you can!
Contact the Republican leadership and tell them the same. The main people are:
- Speaker of the House Rep. Kurt Daudt 651.296.5364
- Majority Leader Rep. Joyce Peppin 651.296.7806
- Majority Leader Sen. Paul Gazelka 651.296.4875
Contact Governor Dayton and thank him for his leadership on this matter and urge him to veto any dangerous pro-gun bills that get passed this session. 651.201.3400
LEARN ABOUT: Gun Law Bills;
Current main gun control bills:
- HF2781/2601 – Ban on bumpstocks
- HF 1605/SF 1262 – Red Flag order
- HF 1669/SF 1261 – Universal background checks on private sales
- HF 3516/SF 2959 – Bans under-21 from possessing a semi-automatic, military style weapon
- HF 2891/SF 2726 - Allows data collection for better understanding of gun violence
Current pro-gun bills:
- HF3286/SF3116 - Allows permitted and trained school staff and teachers to carry firearms
- HF238/SF292 - Stand your ground
- HF188/SF650 - Permitless carry
- There is also another pro-gun bill that does not have a companion bill yet, but is important to keep in mind: HF3302 – Funding for firearms training of school staff and teachers
March 14th: 10:00am - National School Walkout. There are about 80 in MN and 0ver 2500 across the country. Learn More: ABC News
March 24th: March For Our Lives, there are a total of 650 marches worldwide. Here are two that we know of in Minnesota.
- Protect MN - What We Do
- March For Our Lives
Student Walk Out March 7, 2018