This is why we marched.

This is it. The time is now. You are all needed. On Sep 21st, early voting opens in Minnesota. At that point, it is 45 days until the general election on November 6th. 45 days. 45.

Women's March Minnesota is focusing those 45 days on helping our community partners register, educate, and motivate voters. A spectacular example is COPAL, a Latinx grassroots movement. COPAL registered 10,000 new voters!  Now they need our help to stay in contact with those voters through election day. Did you know it takes 6 contacts with voters to ensure they actually vote?

Over the next 45 days, we will be sending out requests for you to get engaged in our Power to the Polls initiative - supporting other organizations with their voter registration efforts. These requests will come in the form of asking for volunteers to help with actions and events and requests for donations.

Now is the time to take action to ensure that we protect our rights and once again live in a country we are proud of. If not now - when? This is why we marched. In addition to the requests to participate, we will be sending out motivational videos and educational pieces about the election process called “Election Central”.

Get ready to participate - not just once but many times. You will be tired, you will be pushed, you will win. Get ready. 45 days. This is why we marched - you are all needed.

Support our Power to the Polls Go Fund Me Campaign. Join us for ROCK THE VOTE. ROCK THE DAM