Women's March Minnesota

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Happy Action Hour collects personal videos to promote ERAMN

Tuesday night (Mar 1, 2022) Women’s March MN hosted a virtual Happy Action Hour to sign the petition to support ERA Minnesota’s Petition for Equality and create videos to share with friends and family to persuade them to support the cause and sign the petition as well. Thanks to all who participated; you can see the videos collected below:

The plan is to collect signatures to share with the Minnesota Senate to encourage them to take a look at three bills that have been introduced in the MN House:

  • SF850 (HF726) Gender equality provided under law, and constitutional amendment proposed.

  • SF0730 (HF2026) ERA; a resolution memorializing Congress to remove the extra-textual time limit for ratification of the amendment by the states.

  • SF2731 (HF2847) Review of Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules for compliance with the Equal Rights Amendment to the United states Constitution requirement