Women's March Minnesota

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What’s happening at the Capitol today?  Join a protest against bad bills.

MN legislators are back at work on Day 3 of a one day Special Session. They hope to get the job completed today; if not, they return next Tuesday to continue. As of now, no bills have been sent to the Governor for approval or veto. HHS and bonding bill have not yet been heard. There is a LOT to get through yet.

Two good articles to catch you up on the situation:



The ongoing occupation of the Governor’s office, in response to an anti-immigrant provision in the Pubic Safety bill (HF470) is asking for people to join them. The provision being protested prevents undocumented immigrants from getting driver’s licenses and was already vetoed when it was part of the Real ID bill, but it’s back, and is a gratuitous attack on MN immigrant community.

Please consider supporting this protest and see the Facebook event page to find out how you can be involved. You can also message them directly at Navigate MN.

“Reclaim MN: Day of Action for Working Families” is organized by Mainstreet Alliance and many other progressive groups, from now until 7 am Friday morning. In light of the “power-grabbing” bills being pushed right now, this rally calls for people to join them to remind the Legislature who they work for and whose house the Capitol is. They will hold vigil there for the 18 hours the Mn Leg. plan to be in session. Come when you can. Bring the family! Bring a blanket! 

Here’s the link to the Facebook event page