Women's March Minnesota

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Call to Action:  "No" to attack on women's Reproductive Rights.

"No" to attack on women's Reproductive Rights.

There are a number of different bills that aim to reduce women's access to safe and legal reproductive care in Minnesota.

HF809 eliminates access to abortions for low-income women. Women on low-income health plans, who also receive medical assistance, would no longer be covered for this type of procedure.

HF812/SF704 singles out women’s healthcare facilities to adhere to onerous licensure requirements, beyond what is necessary for patient health and safety. This will result in clinic closures.

All 3 bills have passed.

Contact Governor Mark Dayton and Lt Governor Tina Smith and tell why it is so important for ALL Minnesotan women to be able to make the reproductive healthcare choices that are right for them and their families, no matter what their financial and insurance situations are.